Bringing trusted & effIcient government to Orono
Bringing a wealth of business experience and city business experience to the table. When you want to get something done, choose a proven leader and decision maker as your Orono Mayor.
8 years ago we had a vision to be able to do better than $0 Road budget, $0 Parks budget, no Parks staff, water & sewer infrastructure funds about to run dry, no technology at the city, no capital investment funds to keep public works & Orono Police running & areas of the city that have been neglected for decades (Navarre for an example).
The last 8 years under my leadership has brought Orono, after years of financial neglect, to a fully funded city.
- $1,000,000 current roads budget which enables us now to be able to plan for the future & keep all our roads looking good.
- $200,000 current Parks budget so can we not only maintain our parks, and we can also continue to upgrade our parks with a fully staffed Parks division.
- Water & sewer funds are now fully self sufficient to be able to keep all of our 40 miles of piping systems safe , secure & up to date.
- The Orono Police, Orono Public Works & Orono Fire departments have a fully funded capital improvement plan for all of Orono's needs for the foreseable future. They are also fully staffed to protect the Orono residents.
- The Orono Public Works department now has a facility large enough to accomodate all of the equipemnt Orono needs, as well as our Parks department and now a full maintenance facility to be able to service the large fleet of vehicles (over 50 vehicles) that the city maintains (Police, Public Works, Parks, Inspections, Fire department...)
- Navarre has been taken care of with trail connections, new roads, upgraded parks, better safety road intersections, re-done navarre parking lot to name a few!!
The future for Orono is bright & prosperous :)
This site is a Paid Advertisement by the campaign to Re-Elect Walsh for Mayor, PO Box 53, Crystal Bay, MN 55323-0053